Guys, I had some issues with this book. And I have to admit that it almost made me DNF it. I probably would have if it hadn't been for the shelving over of the money I did for the hardcover. I'm kinda glad I sticked with it though.
I kinda get this sour tast in my mouth whenever there's talk of a special kind of 'soul mate' for different species. Mainly because it's a convenient vehicle for insta-love, because well, why would you need an actual relationship when you can go BOOM! LOVE!
And this time it really annoyed me, because Ash and Natalie REALLY don't get along and then all of a sudden Ash discovers she's his special snowflake and BAM they're in love. Seriously? I mean, SERIOUSLY? This happened pretty early on and I kinda almost just put it down for good.
But I continued on for reasons I explained above and while the lovestory REALLY didn't work for me, the rest of it was pretty interesting. The Darklings are really interesting, and the half-bloods very much more so. And this nasty thing infecting Darklings which causes them to go mad is horrifying! And seriously, the whole political intrigue was just so dark and scary! It's a harsh world that Elizabeth Richards has created and her writing really made this dark atmosphere come to life.
There's something about cults that is just so scary to me! And Puritan Rose's movement very much felt like a cult. Without seeing much of him, he is one scary villain! It was pretty awful to see how it could turn someone who claims to care about Natalie into a monster.
I think that if the romance had been better, I would have really loved this book. But it just felt off and too convenient and for all that Ash said he loved Natalie, he blew her off to hang out with another girl, which did have an explanation in the end, but seriously? You cannot do that.
The chapters leading up to the end were REALLY good though and I'm kinda leaning towards picking up Phoenix, but I'm gonna wait for the paperback this time.
My rating: 2,5 stars